Jane H. Lee


Contact: jane.h.lee at <my school> .edu

CV | Scholar | LinkedIn


Hi! I am a Computer Science Ph.D. student at Yale University, fortunate to work with Manolis Zampetakis and Andre Wibisono. Prior to starting my Ph.D. studies, I worked at Twitter in the Ads Targeting and Modeling team as a machine learning engineer. Before that, I completed my master’s and bachelor’s degrees together at the University of Pennsylvania, where I was advised by Shivani Agarwal for my master’s thesis.

I received a GFSD (formerly NPSC) fellowship in 2022, sponsored by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA).


I am interested in machine learning theory and optimization, particularly when theoretical insights can improve the design and practical use of machine learning algorithms.

Working Papers



Yale University:

I received the Yale CS Department Distinguished Teaching Award for 2022-2023.

University of Pennsylvania:

Service and Outreach

I believe that being able to give back to others is a privilege. I have received much help to get to where I am today, and I am glad to be able to help others now. I enjoy volunteering with organizations that help students with meeting their educational needs because I feel that education is one way to empower young people to take control of their futures.

(External) Volunteering:

(For those who are interested in getting involved, I highly recommend volunteering with the above organizations. I’ve had a great time working with the staff who are very organized and the students who are eager to learn. The SMART program is local to the the San Francisco Bay Area, but the TEALS program works with high schools throughout the country.)

